

Those of you who read my post on Steganography, how text is hidden within pixels on web pages, might get a kick out of this one. Deep inside Spookville USA a cadre (horde, phalanx, inmates) of spooks were assigned to watch the TV News feeds for the dreaded messages. Well as you might guess, they discovered what they were looking for--like a movie censor finding dirt in the crotch of every tree--secret messages were being sent within the messages on the bottom of the screen as they scrolled across. They jumped it like a testosterone crazed teenager jumps the class slut. They were all over it. They deciphered and deciphered and came up with....taa daa...a fucking terrorist attack across the country. The threat level was raised to red, Homeland Security warned the shit out of us, airlines lost money, and so on. Only thing was, there were no secret messages in the text. The spooks got spooked and in a mass hysteria delivered a phony threat. Most in the CIA and other agencies thought the info bogus, but since it was what too many people wanted to hear we went on a fake Red Alert. Details are here