As I stated in my post yesterday, Bush is going to pay for his lack of focus on this storm and aftermath. In spite of the Los Angeles Times coverup (a diverse cross section of races involved in New Orleans violence) the New Orleans Times Picayune has the gory details, but remains PC acting as if this is an integrated rebellion. We've got a Black rebellion on our hands down there, and I think they reflect Black attitudes across the country. Make them a permanent link so you can refer there, the only place so far as I know that is telling the truth.
And why does it matter what color the looters are?
Because we have a serious race problem in this country, and the race that is now, and has been since this country began, is the black race. Everywhere you turn in the world where Blacks are a significant or majority of the population you have internal violent strife. We keep pretending that Blacks are like "everyone else." They are not, and all you have to do is look at New Orleans to recognize it. If whites were doing the rioting it would be just as significant; as would rioting and looting by a Muslim community in Europe. Race means almost everything.
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