

What did we expect? There is NO WAY any Muslim can embrace Democracy as we know it. Iraq has a thousand year history of despotisms BEFORE the Muslims took over. The differences between Suni and Shia are as deep as you can imagine too. I think it's time Bush simply told Iraq that it is their choice to either return to Muslim despotism, in which case we're gone like the pharoes. and we will bomb them back to the stone age if they become a terror sponsor. They can choose to become a true Democracy---which will change to an Islamic state the second we leave---that we will support.

The culture of Iraq goes back thousands of years before Europe. Most refer to Iraq as the actual birthplace of civilization itself. But what is their culture? Is it Islamic? Now it is, but what was it before Mohammed? Who were the original Iraqis and what influences from way back when still obtain there? It can be said that they invented the farm collective, a necessity because of the flooding of Tigress and Euphrates Rivers. The Iraqis were known as Sumerians. Sumerians invented writing, double entry accounting, private property (even the King was held to contracts); they invented both the wheel and the plow, as well as the first mathematics system (based on 60). Their society was "matriarchal" meaning women had rights. They, not the much later Arabs or Greeks, invented banking. It was the ancient Iraqis and not the Greeks who invented the long narrative, they wrote stories down; their most famous narrative includes Noah building a boat to save himself and civilization from a flood, before the Jews and before the Bible. They invented an alphabet and the first calendars. We know they invented bureaucracy and that they had a yearning for some order. We know they had arts, statues, tall buildings called ziggurats, and that they traded with others.
The rest of the post is HERE. This is a tribal society held from slitting each other's throats by Islam.

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