

As the reaction to the hate speech by Black "leadership" and the news of refugees buying luxury items with their new credit card handouts abound, "No More Money for New Orleans, None, Not One Thin Dime" appears and you can look for more as the nasty entitlement attitude becomes the norm.

Meanwhile, the rest of the state of Louisiana and the entire state of Mississippi (remember them?) get little or no play in the media. New Orleans is only a small area of the disaster, its population not even a majority of the affected people. Yet they seem to be getting the vast majority of the attention and money. And they are wasting it, while still accusing US, the American taxpaying public, of racism and stinginess.

By the way, before the "stupid white guy" knee-jerking starts, remember that I am NOT white.
Further down
Hurricane "victims" stuffing money handed out to them by FEMA, the Red Cross, or both into the g-strings of strippers. These same victims holding up drinks while they're out "clubbing" with that same money. More "poor people who've lost everything" photographed leaving stores with Louis Vuitton bags and other "necessities" of survival such as jewelry and electronics.
The refugees may have seen the last of "stupid whitey's money."

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