

Pretty long email from E. Schultz who says he's military with lots of disaster experience in both the Phillipines and India. I have excerpted the good parts and made slight editorial corrections in the interests of clarity.

You cannot escape the fact that the Federal organizations didn't have the leadership ready to cope with the situation. A leader has to have the courage to say "forget Posse Comitatus, let's get the job done and done now." You can't let a political governor who has lost her nerve to block you by not "inviting you in" as the law says she must. A true leader simply throws all away and does the job. When I was in the Philippines as an American in an area where we weren't liked because the Communist guerillas ran the countryside (Huks and PKM), I simply loaded up our guys and went in with guns at the ready and started to get people out. I had been taught how to evacuate a population quickly. And by the way, we marched them out because we only had enough trucks for the sick. Many Huks and PKM accused me of having another Bataan Death March. Had I wavered and thought of their sensibilities thousands would have died. The New Orleans victims could have been marched out in a pinch even though racial leadership, both locally and in Congress and the press, would have accused the government of a death march of Black People. You must have the instincts to get the job done. One of the first things I was taught was that the rescue party has to know that when the resident population is scared and thinks they are going to die they will follow any leader who looks like he knows what he is doing. The blame for the attending refugee situation after Katrina has to be placed directly at the top for failing to supply the decisive leadership necessary in any civil disaster. I was ready to kill any communist who challenged me. Period. I believe it was my attitude that prevented them from acting against us because at the time they ruled through armed insurrection. (But) they were as scared as anybody.

Posse Comitatus and DoD restrictions on rescue leadership are hot air. Sure the opposing party will go after you when it's over. I'm sure that there are members of Congress who would have called for the impeachment of the president and the jailing of the Army leadership; the military hating press would have been up in arms. The president is supposed to have the courage of leadership and ignore them. The Commies were all over us after we got everybody out alive, but nobody was interested in listening to them. As a personal observation, I think Bush has appointed too many weak and indecisive people to positions that require tough leadership, leadership with the courage to act in spite of what they think the press and Democrats will say.

He goes on to observe that there were plenty of troops, supplies, and vehicles to get our National Guard and the 82nd Airborne anywhere they were directed to go and plenty of experienced leadership within both groups. Nobody directed them. It is his view that local people are not supposed to be competent leaders of large operations because they are focused on their own local situation and covering their own butts. He says surprise leadership like we saw with New York mayor Guiliani is not normal and that weak leadership like that of Blanco and Nagin are to be expected. Strong Federal organizations must be ready to run right over them and do the job. It is precisely because the locals are weak that the government must be ready to step in; the military must assume incompetence, corruption, and weakness in all local politics everywhere in the world, including here. He points out that Eisenhower put 20,000 troops into Mississippi just to enroll one Black kid in a school in violation of every law we had, but Ike was a leader and nobody dared question him. And he was ready to do it again if necessary. And again. So the integration of Southern schools continued. He also asks rhetorically if Truman was a leader or a weak politician afraid of what the opposition party would say? Then there was this interesting passage.

Five or so months after the operation I received a phone call from somebody in the State Department telling me that I did a hell of a job but I could never be told that in writing because to do so would cause a Political rukus. I wasn't going to get any medals or commendations for my fitness file because I had violated so many local laws and insulted so many local leaders. The guy told me that the phone call would have to suffice and that the President (
Ford) thanked me. I received my promotion to colonel out of the blue a few months later and I always assumed that was my medal.

We've got Bush folks, and he's anything but a decisive leader. And as far as trying to kiss it up with Blacks, just look at what is happening even though they were treated with the utmost care and understanding. They hate white people and nothing will ever change it.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely true. The secret is to hold the package down on a table and ram a sharp knife and through the plastic on one side. Then cut the plastic off. A box cutter works pretty well for this.

Oh, and try to avoid having the knife slip out and catch your other hand holding the package...

Anonymous said...

lets be honest.. this disaster bodes well for Rudy G. the dems can't question his ability to lead during a national disaster.