

Like the last dinosaurs thrashing around for a vanishing food supply, Louisiana politicians now demand (yes, demand) $250 BILLION from We the Dopes. Did they spend months examining the damage and getting opinions on the costs? You just don’t understand. They know the costs of everything including the bribes necessary to get approval.

At long last our ever alert media is breaking out of their ideological straight jackets like a slick David Copperfield magically breaking his bonds and posing for applause from a paying audience. MSM is modifying their attendant predisposition for endorsing large federal outlays for every headache and in some cases, shock of shocks, they are actually beginning to report about the totality of the corruption in Louisiana. The preposterous demands from the corrupt Louisiana legislators (who the fuck are they to demand?) for $250 billion in Federal Money are simply the last screams of the dying relics of the political Jurassic Age that is Louisiana; politicians who are engaged in the last grab at money so they can continue to steal as before. One last attempt to “deliver the pork” so they can be reelected by their equally corrupt citizens.

It ain’t gunna happen. Blanco and Landreau are toast. Nagin may actually be reelected by a grateful and corrupt citizenry hoping that their lives of strip clubs, whore houses, whores, public drunkenness, drug dealing, and other public works will get back to normal, this time on Federal money.

We have continuing reports of the corruption in the levy contract award system; the lack of supervision of canal and levee building that has resulted in a flood control system that is under code or contract specifications; bribery to public officials by business and labor groups in order to “get” what is “theirs,” which means getting the most money for the least effort; corrupt police departments; corrupt justice system from top to bottom; and a system for government hiring that guarantees the least qualified have a place.

How do you corrupt the Army Corps of Engineers? The state suspended the Levee Board's ability to refinance old bonds and issue new ones. As the Times-Picayune reported, Legislative Auditor Dan Kyle "repeatedly faulted the Levee Board for the way it awards contracts, spends money and ignores no-bid contract laws." Blocked by the state from raising local money, the federal matching funds went unspent.

By 1998, Louisiana's state government had a $2 billion construction budget, but less than one-tenth of one percent, or $1.98 million, was dedicated to New Orleans levee improvements. By contrast, $22 million was spent that year to renovate a home for the Louisiana Supreme Court.

Where did all the money go? Again, the Times-Picayune says much of the money went not to flood control, but to lawmakers' pet projects, from a $750 million for a new canal lock to a $2.5 million Mardi Gras fountain project that ran $600,000 over budget.

Nine months before Katrina, three top Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness officials were indicted by a federal grand jury in Shreveport and charged, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Louisiana, "with offenses related to the obstruction of an audit of the use of federal funds for flood mitigation opportunities throughout Louisiana."

Even the Corps of Engineers are afraid of Congressional anger. All Army Officers can be ruined by a bad fitness report or an angry Senator. Remember Senator Landreau ordering the Corps of Engineers to re-work their cost estimates (inference “or else”)?

The people who are the cause of all this are the citizens of the state who voted for each and every one of these odious scum suckers who occupy every elected office in the state. Voters now want to avoid responsibility for their own lack of interest, their own greed for goodies, and instead they want to be rewarded. The citizens of Louisiana are at fault as is the lazy media who didn’t report on the continuing corruption.

Now they want to be rewarded for their approval of corruption.

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