

The story on Drudge of Mississippi National Guardsment being refused leave to go back to Mississippi has no genisis as a news story. Instead it is a posting on a web page, Here. Smells to me.

It is now posted
(4:47 AM) by the Ft. Worth Star Telegram HERE. This report is based on emails and phone calls from soldiers. True or not, this is today's horror story and the ---- snore, wheeze --- White House has neither confirmed nor denied.

WaPost has a long piece just up. Certainly looks like it's true since named high ranking officers are being quoted. Registration required. Try this one it's a link from Google News. Click on second link "Mississippi troops are refused leave to help families."
Scores of Mississippi National Guard troops in Iraq who lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina have been refused even 15-day leaves to aid their displaced families, told by commanders that there were too few U.S. troops in Iraq to spare them, according to members of the Mississippi Guard.

About 600 members of the Mississippi Guard's 155th Brigade Combat Team, posted south of Baghdad in the area known as the "Triangle of Death" for the frequency of insurgent attacks, live in the parts of southern Mississippi and southeast Louisiana hit hardest by Katrina, Maj. Neil F. Murphy Jr., a spokesman with the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force, said by e-mail Saturday. The brigade is attached to the Expeditionary Force.

Guard members and relatives said in e-mail or telephone interviews that virtually all the approximately 300 soldiers of 155th Brigade's B and C companies had their homes destroyed or severely damaged in the hurricane.
I assume this will be cause one on the tube all day...... And rightly so. White House statement to follow, in days.....When they wake up; scheduled for eight o'clock next Spring.

These guys already came home

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is inneresting. I think "Spengler" is Henry C. K. Liu, who also writes in Asia Times uder his own name:


Aug 23, 2005

The demographics of radical Islam
By Spengler

General staffs before World War I began war planning with demographic tables, calculating how many men of military age they might feed to the machine guns. France preferred an early war because its stagnant population would not produce enough soldiers a generation hence to fight Germany. Only Israel’s general staff looks at demographic tables today, to draw prospective boundaries that will enclose a future Jewish majority.

Demographics still provide vital strategic information, albeit in quite a different fashion. Today’s Islamists think like the French general staff in 1914. Islam has one generation in which to establish a global theocracy before hitting a demographic barrier. Islam has enough young men - the pool of unemployed Arabs is expected to reach 25 million by 2010 - to fight a war during the next 30 years. Because of mass migration to Western Europe, the worst of the war might be fought on European soil.

Although the Muslim birth rate today is the world’s second highest (after sub-Saharan Africa), it is falling faster than the birth rate of any other culture. By 2050, according to the latest UN projections, the population growth rate of the Muslim world will converge on that of the United States (although it will be much higher than Europe's or China's).

Falling fertility measures the growing influence of modernity upon the Muslim world. Literacy rates, especially female literacy, best explain the difference between the very high fertility rates of pre-modern society and the moderate fertility rates of industrial countries, as I showed in a recent study (Death by secularism: The statistical evidence, August 1, 2005).


In short, the Muslim world half a century from now can expect the short end of the stick from the modern world. It has generated only two great surpluses, namely people and oil. By the middle of the century both of these will have begun to dwindle. But at the moment it has 25 million idle young men. No leader can remain in power who does not give them a destination to march to.

By no means does that imply that all of these 25 million will become suicide bombers, but a great many of them are likely to emigrate to Europe, including Eastern Europe, where populations are stagnant and about to decline. A Muslim takeover of Western Europe surely is a possible outcome.


That "Boys No More" picture is something to remember, too.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com