
The Hard Left drive to take over the 9/11 Memorial continues in high gear while too many of us are rivited on Rita. The leftist- influenced and leftist- financed International Freedom Center at Ground Zero in Manhattan will be a Hate America fest if we don't get involved in fighting it. Go here, they need some bucks too. These Lefty Pricks are trying to get more and more state tax money for themselves and NY Governor Pataki, another gutless Republican (are there any other kind?), is caving:

They need the extra half-billion (in tax dollars) to build cultural centers, to include one that will be a "public square on hallowed ground," meaning a platform for political debate on a memorial site. This self-proclaimed International Freedom Center will also contain extraneous – to 9/11 – history lessons.
And those lessons are all about how bad America is and how we deserved 9/11 because (fill in the blanks).

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