
Have major medical exams and stuff today so no real blogging, just a few good links: After days and days of blog pissing about the fake Tim Russert interview on MTP, NBC is now "reviewing" the time line. Think this would happen without blogs exposing the whole thing? The coup dee grass of the outing is RIGHT HERE.

Clinton's bullshit about how he "would have handled the storm" if only he or somebody just as sensitive to people's needs had been in office, is being put to rest by his very own words when he was president and faced with a similar storm. As usual, he is lying. Again. Still. A well footnoted and linked post is HERE

Whoopsie, me wrong again when I said HERE that the one good thing about the Katrina screw up was that at long last political appointments to agencies would end. Nothing mediocre ends when W is in office. Michelle lays bare another mediocre Bush appointment of some woman whose only qualification is that she is the daughter of the head of the Joint Chiefs. Bush appointments have been bad, and even worse he sticks by these bums no matter what.

More Bush New New Deal is being jumped on all over. His "plan" (which in reality is just some nut case "idea" that popped up because he had nothing else) for placing God only Knows how many trailers for use by Katrina victims is being roasted to a black brick, no roast is better than HERE.

.....buying 300,000 trailers, which will end up costing one hell of a lot more than 5 billion by the time they're done, must be one of the biggest wastes of money in all of American history. Come on, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you could give these 300,000 people rental vouchers that pay out, let's say, $4200 a family for 6 months, rather than spending -- real world, as opposed to government estimates -- $25,000, $30,000, $35,000 (if not more) per family to put these displaced people up in mobile homes.
Want to know why people don't flee hurricanes even when "warned"? The hysteria about this crummy storm (that isn't even a hurricane), media howls to get out of the way of nothing but high winds and a few waves, and dire flood warnings over nine inches of rain tells it all. This storm is nothing to anybody who has ever been to sea, lived in Florida, Hong Kong, or anywhere else. Just awful. And it's why nobody pays attention to hurricane warnings.

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