
Heather MacDonald blisters the "new" New York Times that has stooped to a new low, even for them. They have a huge front page spread in the Metro Section today including pix, featuring a gay pickup spot at central park complete with instructions on how to "meet." The paper, which is losing circulation each and every day, includes WITHOUT SUPPORTING DATA, the statement that a homo in the parking lot "says" that ten percent of his "contacts" are married men with baby seats in their cars, in spite of the fact that survey after survey indicates the homosexual population at two percent. Besides being an obvious attempt to "main stream" homosexuals and homosexual prostitution, the paper wants to smear the middle class families living in the suburbs. She concludes

Either the Times is even more clueless about the narrowness of its world view than previously thought, or it knows how out of mainstream it is and hopes to shock the leaden bourgeoisie with its trivial sexual obsessions. Either way, its judgment—news and otherwise—is appalling.

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