
If you missed Louisiana's soon to be ex-Senator, Mary Landrieu on FOX News Sunday yesterday, you missed a performance by one of the most pathetic politicians in the system. Blaming everyone and refusing to take so much as a shred responsibility, she even blamed Bush for the failure to have the city planned buses available. Her incompetence has not gone unnoticed: Demagogic Loser says the (Michigan Post;), IBD did a number on her Friday Investors Business Daily "Nine months before Katrina, three top Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness officials were indicted by a federal grand jury in Shreveport and charged, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Louisiana, "with offenses related to the obstruction of an audit of the use of federal funds for flood mitigation opportunities throughout Louisiana." NewsMax does the best overview of her moronic Sunday performance.