
In response to several email queries and some comments asking in effect "what blog ad revenue?", I did some checking with pals of mine in hated Madison Avenue; McCann Erickson and BBD&O, my ex brother in law's hang out. The huge increase in "blog ads" and web advertising can be seen chiefly in the company sponsored web pages now up. There are literally millions of them now, up from a few hundred five years ago. Hollywood is particularly involved with interactive websites for virutally every movie. Because pros are now manning the corporate web advertising the writing creates Google links that "guide" the searcher to the corporate site. In addition there are the infamous "swaps" of links within articles (far too many bloggers engage in endless traffic building links too), and what is known as photo linking, a device that automatically switches a person clicking on a picture to a corporate site while not knowing about it. My friends tell me that there is not a blog out there with enough traffic to justify a media buy, other than a ton of porno sites that may, or may not, also link corporately (photo linking anyone?). As an addition, both my pals say they don't believe the web views count at all because none measure what is read on the sites and there is no way to break down the numbers demographically. So there. BTW, I infer from their remarks that corporatations are planting paid links on porno sites because of the huge traffic. My pal at Erickson did say that running simultaneous ads on ten or so blogs with high traffic has been considered but the "click throughs" on tests were lousy.

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