
The Mayor of N'Awlins, a crook facing indictment, is trying to provoke a Constitutional crises by insisting on repopulating the city. Forcing a change in focus outside of themselves is a tactic typical of all dictators everywhere and all crooks everywhere. He clearly must be stopped by any rational judgement, but forcing the Feds to intervene will provoke all the Bush haters in the press. We cannot just give this horror story in the making any money, nor can we cut the refugees of the city adrift. It's a vexing problem never faced by our government other than in times of War. And be sure you drop by the WSJ and read The GOP's New New Deal. The spending binge is out of control.

1 comment:

MaxedOutMama said...

You aren't kidding. Maybe we should just arrest Nagin for conspiracy to commit murder?