

The Hellerstein decision which orders the DoD to release all Abu Grahib photographs and videos is literally a death sentence for many of our troops. We all know the pix are bad. We have seen plenty. To release additional videos and pictures now will be worse than the Newsweek "boo boo" which killed 27 people almost immediately. At least 100 people will die, and most of them will be U.S. troops. We all know that "Civil Rights" now stands for anti-America, anti Military, and pro murder of our guys in uniform.

This entire Administration is contemptible. Not one word in protest of this virtual murder of our troops. Not a single Republican leader (ho ho that's rich) speaks out; not Bush not Cheney not McCain, nobody in the White House, nobody in the House or Senate.....NOBODY. This is an administration sell out of our troops, the same troops these assholes sent over there. Bush is the worst president since Nixon, and there is no contest. Will they appeal? Yeah, but no rush.


Anonymous said...

why isn't this guy impeached? what are the republicans in congress waiting for? what is Bush waiting for? just issue a presidential order forbidding the release of the photos on national security grounds.Who is better qualified to make that call, the commander in chief or a federal judge? Let the judge issue his order and see if he can enforce it. then lets see if the communist, excuse me, democrats in congress have the stones to try to impeach Bush on that.
the troops are expected to loyal to the civilian leadership but where is the loyalty to the troops from the top? they deserve better than this.

Anonymous said...

todays government seems so remote from the one i envisioned in my youth i actually thought they cared back then. bush is just another talking head for the powerful corporations.who seem to lack the common sense and values that once made america great.as someone who loves my country i am scared for it if the government doesn't care the people won't either and pretty soon tired of being used they revolt am i crazy just look in your history books every republic,government has a limited existance america will not be immune it too will fall some day but with the climate of greed and total lack of caring are putting us in danger today