
Tennis tonight could be a classic. The old champ ---Agassi-- who is way to old to win vs the young gun ---Blake --- who may be too young. The kid has all the tools Andy Roddick doesn't have. Including a total babe for a girl friend. I've been noticing that tennis guys all get dinosaur babes. It couldn't be the money, could it? USA starting at 7 Eastern....but Open Leadership is so dense they might put it on at 4 or even 9.

Late Add: 10 EDT or later is what it is. Total assholes. We on the Left Coast can stay up to watch it only if it's great, most people on the East Coast will have to miss it. Tennis ever catch on? Not while these assholes are responsible for scheduling. See, the PC morons decided that we HAVE to watch a womens match between Lindsay Davenport (is that a typical phony tennis name or not?) and some Russian nobody ever heard of. The way it's going the Men's Match might actually make on by 8 Eastern.

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