
A word or three about United Way.

Lots of us remember the terrible waste of donations after 9/11 as United Way simply gave money to things like orchestras and art museums instead of helping the victims of 9/11. Now that pressure has been applied, expecially by FOX's cowboy, O'Reilley, the United Way has been straightened out and is doing the things they are actually capable of doing, which are gathering small local groups that work one on one with people. Now that the Red Cross has done the big stuff, the refugees need some individual help with emotional stress that natrually occurs when you have lost absolutely everything. Kids who see their parents fall apart fall apart too and in their cases they really need help quickly. The Refugees need employment help and maybe some retraining. The United Way is stationed almost everywhere and you might consider forgiving their past transgressions and donate to another large group that can spread money around to where it is needed. The money you give will be earmarked for Hurricane Relief. Those of you near the swath of Katrina and who want to volunteer, the United Way now has volunteer centers for you HERE. Check them out.

And remember Matthew 6:3. Do not let Glenn Reynolds know you gave anything.....
Give, but don't brag about it.

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