
Yesterday I posted a short piece (within a longer piece) about the phony Cindy Sheehan "rally' (150 people is really a cocktail party) deliberately held without a permit so Cindy could be arrested in full media view and so that her followers could call the police Nazis. Well I was wrong. Her followers are calling the police "Stalinists." Remember, the only purpose for Left "rallies" is to get face time and the best and easiest way to do it is have a rally without a police permit. Yesterday's short post:

When the movement starts to fail deliberately stage a rally without a permit in a large city; the resulting arrest will make a victim out of you and restart the flame. Sheehan had a "rally" (150 people) in Appleville yesterday without a permit and got arrested. Headlines abound: Post NYT and so on. It's an old tactic of the Left and it still works, at least in NY papers. First story was in the always reliably Left, Village Voice.
And the entire MSM, including the increasingly clueless FOX, ran with it.