
Above are torture victims of the Taliban. Burning the bodies of poor day old dead and stinking Talaban terrorists should be cheered. The fucking White House will not defend those guys. The Pentagon ditto. The Republicans in general ditto. These guys are being sold out by our leadership. Sold out by gutless Bush and all the rest of them. Best rundown of everything is HERE. I endorse our guys 100%. My problem is with the stupid suits at the Pentagon who allowed an avowed America hating Leftist to become an "imbed" in the first place. This guy, Martinkus will lead the Hate America Left and WE put the son of a bitch in position to do it. Remember, he was the guy who was captured by terrorists but let go....

Martinkus was able to convince his captors that they should release him. Ya see, Martinkus is an anti-war activist, he's been a featured speaker for "Coalition to Stop the War" events and he's written a highly critical book on the American actions in Iraq.
Jason Coleman has some terrific sourced takes. My active dislike for Bush and Republicans is eating out my guts.

Once again----Republicans Suck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am 100% for our troops, they did nothing wrong. Just think how much the Taliban must smell when they are not dead and then to be dead for awhile.........OMG.
I am furious they will make our military in the wrong and not stand up for them. grrrr