
Another Two big Republicans, jump off the Miers bandwagon. John Fund:

"She is unrevealing to the point that it's an obsession," says one of her close colleagues at her law firm.
John Fund describes her as a person who walks on the sand and leaves no footprints. I now say either Bush withdraws this nomination or she will be destroyed by the Senate. Another fucking crony bites the dust. Fund again:
But it was Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, who went so far as to paint Ms. Miers as virtually a tool of the man who has been her client for the past decade.
More to the point is the past history of approving people Republican presidents assured one and all were conservatives who turned out to be the most liberal members of the Court. Then we have Robert Bork, he of the verb "bork" fame on Tucker Carlson's MSNBC SHOW:
Are you impressed by the president’s choice of Harriet Miers?

JUDGE ROBERT BORK, FORMER SUPREME COURT NOMINEE: Not a bit. I think it’s a disaster on every level.
Right Nation has the entire transcript here.

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