

Miers a slam dunk, fuhgedaboudit. Above pic from the ever funny WuzzaDem. go there for a funny look at this one. And she will have an immediate impact because there are a lot of cases coming down the pike. We'll see. If she goes Left it is all over for the Conservatives because the judiciary was the purpose of voting for these guys...... I rarely agree with the Left, but both the NYT and WaPo share the same view: Neither Bush nor the Dems wanted a fight. Period. I doubt that I'll blog any more about this one, it's like telling you that water is wet. An old low for cronyism; it's been done before: Chief Justice Fred Vinson regularly played poker with President Truman; Felix Frankfurter was a confidant of FDR; and Calvin Coolidge's crony, Harlan Fiske Stone, whom many consider the best Supreme Court Justice ever, was the crony of all time. Look him up, a real gem. He is famous among teachers of the Law for a thing called "Footnote 4" that has changed and dominated law since 1938.

Justice Harlan Fiske Stone announced that Congress had the power to regulate interstate commerce, and if it chose to set minimal standards for milk quality, that was the business of the legislative and not the judicial branch.

Immediately following this statement, however, Stone inserted his famous Footnote 4, which asserted that in noneconomic regulation cases, the Court might adopt a higher level of scrutiny. Footnote 4 has been the basis for the Supreme Court's subsequent judgments in cases protecting the integrity of the political process or involving so-called "suspect" classifications, such as race, creed, alienage, religion and gender. The Court has assumed an obligation to examine these statutes carefully, to ensure that individual liberties have not been abridged.
Quite a mouthful for a crony. Maxed out has a more lofty view of things with footnotes and shit.

Here's why it's dam near impossible to open and then run an industry in France. You simply cannot fire anyone at any time for any reason. This is why the unemployment is so high. Close a business that is losing money? Impossible. Close a business that no longer exists? The government comes after you for "socially damaging conduct." It's all at the link which includes several other stories. Main story concerns HP. A relative of mine had a nightmare experience with a business over there. A nightmare.

The nation(?) of Bhutan is ditching the GDP in favor of a more holistic measure of a nation's prosperity—the GNH, or Gross National Happiness. Have no idea if they stole the idea from Nancy Pelosi or some other Frisco Democrat.

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