

To the Left, George Bush is the guy at the party who gives cocaine to everybody and still nobody likes him.

No matter the outcome of the "Plame" hearings, does anybody seriously believe all people will accept it? The Right thinks the entire thing as a pimple on an elephant's ass and the Left is sure it is a High Crime as bad as Watergate. There is no result that will change opinions.

I was at a clinic yesterday and was forced to watch and listen to CNN for a little over an hour while waiting for a doctor and I was sickened by the bias. Each and every report assumed that Rove and Cheney are guilty while Wolf and the gang made continuing references to Watergate within sentence after sentence. The similarity of the "crimes" were a part and parcel of their "news" coverage. Several "commentators" pointed out that Watergate started with something little and this will be just like that. The theme of a corrupt Republican Party was all that was presented. The boobs glued to the set accepted everything as fact.

The Left will never accept anything but a guilty verdict by the Grand Jury; the Right will never accept anything other than dismissal of the charges. BTW, The NY Daily News has a front page story that says Bush rebuked Rove over his connection to the Plame case two years ago....

An angry President Bush rebuked chief political guru Karl Rove two years ago for his role in the Valerie Plame affair, sources told the Daily News. "He made his displeasure known to Karl," a presidential counselor told The News. "He made his life miserable about this."
Further down in the piece it seems that White House Staff is now leaking the bad news....
sources confirmed, however, that Bush was initially furious with Rove in 2003 when his deputy chief of staff conceded he had talked to the press about the Plame leak.

Bush has always known that Rove often talks with reporters anonymously and he generally approved of such contacts, one source said.

But the President felt Rove and other members of the White House damage-control team did a clumsy job in their campaign to discredit Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, the ex-diplomat who criticized Bush's claim that Saddam Hussen tried to buy weapons-grade uranium in Niger.
Whatever happens, losing Rove is a serious blow to Bush and great news for the Left. Then we will hear about the "problem" of Bush not trashing Rove the moment he found out. Stay tuned.

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