
Christmas gift idea for the kiddies: "Choke the Chicken" is chicken doll that allows you to squeeze its neck, and then the fun begins. The harder you choke it the more weird the behavior of the chicken becomes; its tongue hangs out, it clucks, it dances, AND IS BEING BANNED from sale in all the right places. It's on Ebay now, (only five days left) but you can bet your ass that some independent toy makers are ready to roll them out in time for that Holiest of all Days..... Reaction from the usual Lefty sources: are here: Animal Lovers Slam Choke a Chicken Toy; then we have this one from The Courrier Mail in Kangarooville which does the usual liberal "extension" from reality linking this to burn the cat and kill the dog reality for kids; and the Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Rubber Animals want it outlawed in Kiwiland. Some funny critics think that, boys should taught to give their chicken a pleasing neck massage with baby oil, or hand lotion instead. My prediction: a HUGE Christmas seller.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Years ago in the 'Li'L Abner comic strip, a critter that looked like a sweet friendly living bowling pin was named a smoo! They soon made tall life-sized models that were weighted to roll when you hit them like punching bags. A lot of fun! Violence and tension were aimed at non-living things and all were happy.
Today, I'll bet the chief complainers about this chicken doll support partial birth abortion. After all, there are chickens and way down the value scale after that, is human life!