

As you all know I've been critical of Reynolds for the past several months, feeling he had slipped into sonambulistic robotic writing, or linking to his sycopantic ass kissers only; and I know many of you feel the same way. However, during the past couple of weeks or so he seems to have "found" himself again; he links as he used to six months ago and he writes like he is actually interested in what he has to say. He is worth reading now. He is linking to many new sites, many of which are fresh and have a lot to say.

BTW, Reynolds, as well as many others, are having a sort of hissy fit over the fact that girls now outnumber boys in many colleges. What does this mean? Well I went to school right after the number of WWII and Korea veterans ceased swelling the rolls and the girls outnumbered the boys by 60-40. What did this mean? It meant that the girls had trouble getting dates. It meant that if they wanted to be taken out twice they had to put out (and they had to be good at it; I think women faking orgasms comes from that period). We all got laid like a cat house was giving out free samples. Of course these days it might mean a big increase in lesbianism, but so what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BTW, Reynolds, as well as many others, are having a sort of hissy fit over the fact that girls now outnumber boys in many colleges. What does this mean?

It means a couple of things:

1. Both college and K-12 teachers want ever-increasing enrollments. More students means more teacher business. So they want to hype up the need to get more boys into college.

2. As more than 50 percent of law school students are female, and the female percentage in law school is increasing, more actue observers such as Prof. Reynolds realize that the big influx of femmes means pay and prestige for lawyers is about to drop. The coming decline in lawyers' pay will rub off on to the law schools, so Instapundit is worried.

The same goes for med school.

-- david.davenport.1