
Just what we need on the court, but will Bush select her...?

"We undeniably still do have a justice system that does not provide justice for all as provided by the Pledge of Allegiance. One justice for rich, one justice for poor. One justice sometimes for minorities, one for whites."
On judicial activism, she implicitly applauds courts for doing the work Congress won't do, writing:
"When you hear Courts blamed for judicial activism or intrusion where they don't belong...stop and [sic] examine what the elected leadership has done to address the issue at hand...."
What? He already did? That's a quote from a Miers speech? Shit! She was a fucking liberal. So much for "trust me" politics. Laura Ingraham, seems to be finally finding her sea legs in the trecherous sea of talk radio and has an audience; it is she I have quoted here. I never listen because I have a job.....

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