

Miers ree-ducks: it's all over the media and I won't bother linking to what you already know. The GOP doesn't want her, period. I won't supply links but even the WSJ's Noonan, who is hardly a hard nose about anything (she's a feel good Republican) is miffed:

By the time of the hearings she'll have been painted as Church Lady. There's a great old American tradition of not really liking Church Lady.
I absolutely don't believe a Christian, or Jew, or whatever disqualifies a person, but I don't want to chose somebody just because they are "born again." And then Noonan shows a side that more and more Republicans want: she wants to rumble. And if sweet Peggy, who won't hit a nail with a hammer wants to rumble, what must we think the rest of the GOP wants to do? Rush may have hit on it yesterday when he said that debate; brawling in the mud, a bare knuckles bloody brawl, is absolutely necessary in order to advance. We'll see. We could be looking at an Abe Fortas here, because in the end it was the Democrats that threw the Johnson crony to the gators.
Harriet Meirs has reached the age of 60 and no one seems to know what she thinks.
That is a damming little sentence. And the Kelo decision riles Republicans almost as much as Roe v Wade riles the Democrats. Stay tuned.

Oh, and while this goes on, feel good super RHINO senator Collins (Asshole, ME) is sliding the other nothing crony and former shack job of somebody influential, Julie Meyers, through for head of ICE.

And there's this one from Schussel:
I'm waiting for a third unqualified woman with yet another alternative spelling of the surname to be nominated by President Bush. How about Oscar Meyer's daughter for head of the FDA?

I heard she knows how to spell "bologna.
It's "baloney" Debbie. You have to trust me. There is a good overall view at Brother's Judd.

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