
More on incompetent Julie Myers who was approved by the totally corrupt GOP committee.....

Questions: What are Myers' five strongest management credentials that have prepared her for such a high level management position? How many beats has she walked? How many investigations has she done? How many surveillances has she conducted? Does she even know how to use a firearm?
Debbie Schussel does her. BTW, everyone has been ordered to use her new married name instead of Myers. Call her Mrs. Wood; not Her Scummyness, Former Slut, or Her Incompetency. Keep on voting Republican? Sure I will..


Unknown said...

60 deaths out of 116 cases, very high but not 90%.

I'm still maintaining it's the latest Alar scare or Swine Flu, designed to get more funding rather than to protect us. Remember, the US just spent $100 million for an H5N1 vaccine, a disease that is not contagious. Your tax dollars at work.

Howard said...

Early fatality rate was 90%. The flu seems to have lost a lot of its punch as it has spread. Also, the people messing with birds are not the high paid types and are less likely to go to the doctor. My point is only that the danger, as posed right now, is zero.