

Latest Black Halucination: Whitey deliberately dynamited the levee by New Orleans 9th Ward to get Blacks out of New Orleans. This rumor started in some shit hole refugee center and is now becoming the latest "truth" the Black Political Elite is peddling to their idiot clans.

Filmmaker Spike Lee on Tuesday announced he is making a film for HBO about the post-Hurricane Katrina flooding in New Orleans, and said he wouldn't be shocked if conspiracy theories of intentional government involvement in the flooding proved true.

Lee's appearance on CNN, to promote his new co-authored memoir/biography, Spike Lee: That's My Story and I'm Sticking To It, followed a report on the rumors circulating among evacuees that the government somehow engineered the flooding of the largely black and poor Ninth Ward section of New Orleans
That story from the Detroit News, a paper that panders to the Black population of Detroit. Add to this the fact that Ray Nagin, the mayor who is responsible for much of the actual refugee plight, will fuel this latest stupid rumor so he can be re-elected by the no longer living in New Orleans Blacks and get his hands on the $200 billion. Ain't you glad you donated? Ain't you glad government will help?

Oh, and FOX News? They aired the accusation and filmed Spike Lee making the statement but once again nothing on their website.

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