
The Weekly Standard is full of shit, and other observations...... They have a negative Arnold story that only could have been written by one of the usual suspects inside The Beltway. Deep inside the piece he reveals that every one of Arnold's special election propsitions is leading; one propsition demanding member approval of of union donations to political campaigns, has 77% approval INSIDE UNIONS. Don't believe anything you read or see on TV; this is a classic "us vs them" game, with the "us" being the people who have no media access (right or left) and no media other than Arnold's commericals and word of mouth working for us. Help from Conservative Media? They're the same suspects wearing different colored blinders, educated in all the usual places, convinced they know best and we know shit. Stay tuned. BTW, the unions will have put up more than $250 MILLION to beat these propositions, money that has been stolen from members without their permission.

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