

Two essays in today's Journal, one by Fund the other by Noonan, can be summed thusly: The entire White House is too sloppy to be allowed to continue. Mier wasn't even vetted, meaning nobody bothered to really check her out before Bush nominated her. The Conservative base was ignored, nobody from the White House talked with anyone. So a woman with no proof of competence is named to the highest court in the land.

Incompetent? Bush is too sloppy to continue and his sloppiness equals incompetence. Read Fund's piece and shake your head over other appointments and non-supervision; the Julie Meyers appointment; retaining a known bum Tenant at CIA; Harvey Pitt at SEC who was a part of the accounting scandals because of his prior work; and so on.

Mier ain't going to be on the Supreme Court. Strange as it seems the Republicans are at long last going to stand for something besides spending money we don't have. And to make matters even worse, Ann Coulter piles on today....

Let me just say, if the top male lawyer in the country is John Roberts and the top female lawyer is Harriet Miers, we may as well stop allowing girls to go to law school.
Face it, Bush has made too many mistakes. Way too many. Who's he going to name to replace Greenspan as Fed Chairman? Somebody who goes to church? The fucking pope?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe Bush will appoint his personal accountant to replace Greenspan.
