
What's wrong with Bush---besides Miers: As a conservative, he deviates on the role of the federal government, on domestic spending, on education, on the Medicare prescription-drug benefit, and on immigration.

What's Right: Tax cuts, support for social issues, hawkish position on national security and terrorism, rejection of the Kyoto protocols, He also killed the ABM and Comprehensive Test Ban treaties, kept the United States out of the international criminal court, defied the United Nations, and advocated a shift in power from Washington to individuals through an "ownership society." On some issues--partial privatization of Social Security is the best example--he is a bolder conservative than Ronald Reagan, the epitome of a conventional conservative.

What's really wrong: He failed to kiss the right---as in Right---asses...not to mention the trouble with Harriet, which is that she has given us a depressing glimpse into the vast open space that now appears to be the Bush political mind.

This and more from Fred Barnes.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Barnes begins with a false proposition- that Mr Bush is a conservative. Since he is wrong about that, all his other remarks are suspect. Mr. Barnes suffers from conservative disease, which is, the un-endng delusion that any republican president, ipso facto, must be, a conservative, and that therefore any deviation from the conservative line is a "failure". Conservatives fail to understand this.
