
Another note on a Zig Zag paper: the latest version of MSIE (available through update) is superior in every way (except no tabs) to Firefox. Those of you using Foxfire should right click on any page, go to the bottom of the window and click "View this page in MISE" and you'll see the big difference.

From WSJ today:

Dennis Kozlowski stole $600 million from Tyco and got eight to 25 years in prison; Kofi Annan supervised more than $12 billion in international theft and will stay in his job.

All of which explains why allowing the United Nations to be in charge of running the Internet is a very bad idea.
The piece concludes with this dire warning that all of us better heed: When the U.S. attends those IGF meetings, our representative will surely be reminded of the repeated advice Tony Mauro, the Supreme Court correspondent for The American Lawyer, recalls receiving from Europeans at a run-up meeting of the U.N. Internet group in Budapest three years ago. Do not invoke the First Amendment in Internet discussions, he was told, for it is viewed as a sign of U.S. arrogance.

If the U.N. establishment believes free speech is arrogance, we can be confident that U.N. control of the Internet would be calamitous.
To see how France would stomp on the First, Second, Fourth, and most of the rest for that matter, GO HERE.

Zarqawi Dead??? Lots of MSM types are speculating: ABC; Houston Chronicle; etc. White House denies, but you know how Bush lies..... Blogger, Red State, is carrying late stuff, but this is one of those times that the MSM with all their resources will get it first.

The OSM continues its non-stop phony site building today with FIFTY (50) different "bloggers" weighing in on the same subject. What kinds of jerks go somewhere to read 50 differing opinions about anything? People without jobs and without lives. It may be that MSM isn't dead yet; they figured out a long time ago to hold guest opinions to three or four per day. And BTW OSM leads with a GM story that you read about here at least a month ago and in Biz Week, Auto Extremist, and in every other financial section of MSM. I suspect that their hits come only from other bloggers and not a broad surfing network.

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