
The entire world press, Marxist to their souls, cannot see the French Intifada in way other than the economic exploitation of an underclass; another shot in the endless class war. The word Muslim almost never appears til the last paragraph or the last breathless utterance in a sound byte. It's all jobs, housing, more benefits, more understanding (especially more understanding), and more tax money to be tossed to them. Here's a few snippits, the first from the always honest and clear thinking Boston Fucking Globe

Youths' poverty, despair fuel violent unrest in France --- Mahmoud Khabou, 20, the jobless son of Algerian immigrants, knows little of the world beyond the concrete housing projects that rise in bleak rows barely an hour's subway ride from the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and other grand monuments of Paris.
The super Left Guardian, in a surprisingly straight forward opening three paragraphs, lays out the facts---but not to worry, here's what follows when they try to explain why no firefighters leave their stations to fight fires
"We don't get involved unless there's a danger of the fire spreading. Otherwise we leave the vehicle or the rubbish bin to burn itself out."

"There needs to be better relations and communications between the police and the people in the banlieues."
And it goes on like that without a hint of jihad, Islam, and the private shiria laws that these people follow among themselves. Our elites don't want to face Islam either, because to do so might validate our war in Iraq.

One who watches from the sidelines and sees the clueless French governing class crawl on their bellies to various imams and sheiks cannot but be reminded of Munich, where the gutless French and Brits crawled to Hitler. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The French will try every option until they have no choice. Then the killing will start. When pushed to the wall the French can be very nasty bastards. If the rioting starts to simmer down, particularly if there are very few deaths and doesn't spread to the white neighborhoods, the use of force will be minimal by the authorities for PC and political purposes.followed by quiet but firm actions such as a number of deportations and "disapearences" and immigration reforms. If the violence gets worse and spreads to white neighborhoods the French backlash will be immense.