
The ever sweet and gentle, Debbie Schlussel, kicks some serious ass this A.M.

Don't just shrug and say, "It can't happen," because it CAN happen. What can happen? The mobs on the Left can deny a radio station their license if they "step out of line." The gory details are at Radio Equalizer.

Real Cindy Sheehan photos
, not the ones with the angles set up by the AP/DNC, are HERE AT SWEETNESS AND LIGHT.
Link has been corrected. Sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arnold ought to grow a pair and sign all the death warrants. Just call them retroactive abortions.
As for the licensing in SF thats just theatre. but just for kicks lets start a blog petition to aqll Republican members of Congrss to elimanate funding for PBS and NPR as a balance the budget item.