

WND is running a story that claims Wilson outed Valery Plame in the FOX Green Room back in 2002. The source of this story is a guy named Paul Vallely, a regular on FOX News Channel. Why this guy waited until now to come forth with a major story is very suspicious, but read the thing and make up your own mind. Threats of Law Suits abound and naturally there is not a word on the FOX website, but nothing new about that.

Retail price of unleaded gasoline is down forty five cents from its high of several weeks ago. Here in LA there are several stations selling it for $2.61 per gallon. Why did energy prices come down so hard in the futures market on Friday? It all has to do with the leaking of the API report last Wednesday that caused traders to short. Once they had made their money they "covered" their shorts and many went long, causing the market to go up almost $4. On Friday speculators (traders?) sold their long positions because nobody wants to be in this volatile market over the weekend when all markets are closed. Crude is clearly in a downward channel on the charts.

1 comment:

Tracy Coyle said...

When an accountant gets a result that is different than it should be, one of the things s/he will do is determine the difference. An interesting thing is that if the difference is a multiple of 9, then a number has been transposed, ie, 4567 instead of 4657...you get 90...makes it a little easier to find the error. The puzzle takes that into account. Because you are using numbers that have been transposed, all the program needs is to determine how much the numbers left differ from a multiple of 9...mine was 3267, take away the 6 and you get 12...a multiple of 9 is 18 and 18-12 leaves...6. The math wasn't hard but the website was nicely programmed!