

While the French victims are blaming themselves for all this trouble, we better start looking here, especially at our elites.

It is clear that France has a huge immigrant population whose loyalty is not to Paris but to the God of crime, and perhaps some reference to whatever country spawned their parents. They know nothing about France and don't want to learn anything. We can go on forever going “ha ha ha” at France and Europe or we can look for similarities here. What is happening there will happen here. Again.

First, the social isolation of the Muslim population. Do I really have to write more than a sentence about the "social isolation" of most Blacks, Hispanics or Asians in this country? I thought not.

Moving right along, how about the French minister who called the rioters "scum" thus provoking instant outrage against himself, including criticism from at least one member of his own government? This governmental palsy because of words and deeds means nobody faces reality, either here or in Europe. Political Correctness jammed down everyone's throat helps in the breakdown of law and the degeneration of our culture.

Do I have to write more than one sentence about the Leftist imposed Political Correctness in our country? Of course I don't.

They are saying that European countries just opened the door to let people in, people who have no interest in being absorbed in their culture. Well, that's true except that Europe opened their doors so they could import a docile work force that would do all the grunt work. They needed a work force that would be both productive and quiet. And it worked, for a while.

Need I write more than a single sentence about the Mexicans crossing our borders? We all absolutely have to have nannys, maids, and grdeners. What would Beverly Hills be without them? Every piece of fruit and every vegetable we eat comes to us via cheap Mexican labor willing and able to work ten hour days in the hot sun.

Now the good stuff. Europe imported racist pieces of shit, many from their former colonies, people who hated France already. The imports were and are anti-Semitic in the extreme. They are at the very least intolerant of Christians; and all Muslims regard democracy as a creation of Satan. They'd like to change that. In fact if they are even partially religious they think they can change that. During the past fifty years all democracies have welcomed alien people who respect neither the cultures nor the rights of the population among whom they have settled. Need I mention the Muslim rapes, the desecrations of synagogues, the Latino street gangs?

Our gangbangers ride around in the latest fashionably refitted cars looking for trouble. Their main businesses are drug dealing, stealing whatever they can, prostitution, and random acts of violence. They rape any girls they want to rape and nobody stops them. They have the ACLU types to rescue them from any trouble; bands of college professors ready and willing to make a cause out of them and to excuse their behavior as an expression of their culture; college faculties feel it their duty to inform the oppressed that somebody else is resonsible for their repugnant deeds; forgiving them, not knowing or caring that they like going to jail because it’s a rite of passage, their version of a college degree. Nobody claims the Mexicans are Catholic gangs, but each of them will claim Catholicism if asked their religious affiliation. Nobody claims Black gangbangers are Baptist punks, that Asians punks are Buddhists running wild.

No, we refer to them as shitheads. In the finer salons, isolated from all the peasants, they are called disadvantaged, victims of our cruel system who need understanding. Many become permanent political candidates who appear on all the talk shows only because they say awful things.

As far as living in a sealed in ghetto where even the French police fear to tread? I dare any white person to try to walk the streets in South Central LA or the Mexican barrios. There are plenty of places in whatever city you reside that you don’t dare enter, just like Paris. If your car breaks down when you are adjacent to gang turf you shit your pants and hope your cell phone is working. We warn our wives and girl friends to stay the fuck out of there, as if all that solved anything.

My experience as a horrible kid tells me that these kids in France, all under 18, ain’t no religious fanatics. I’ll bet everything that they don’t bow to Mecca three times a day, attend mosque on a regular basis, or perform any of the Muslim rituals whenever they do something. They are Muslims only when it is convenient; but they do carry around with them the Muslum contempt for the West, and they are doing something about it. They rape girls because they want to, using the Muslim religion as an excuse when they get caught, playing the "different culture" card to gain sympathy from the Left. They can’t recite any part of the Koran from memory. Hell, they may not even have read it. They are gangbangers, French style. They casually rob parking meters as a docile population strolls by; assault people on the street without anybody, including the cops, trying to stop them. Now they are setting random fires, again because they can, with nobody stopping them. With all the right people--Chiraq (Jaqaues) and Villepin (Dominique de)--- trying to "understand" them. This "effort" has the support of the castrated population. Anything to avoid getting involved.

Muslim religion has almost nothing and everything to do with what is happening in France. On the sidelines you can bet some radical mosques or Saudi prince is supplying them with whatever weapons they need and cheering them on, joined by the Mulim news network that does nightly features on them. They all hate France. You can bet they all hate Germans and Americans too.

Many are of the belief that, because there have been no murders, this insurrection has a plan; a plan to intimidate the French government into granting certain sections of Paris, Muslim autonomy, Sharia Law, and literally a country within a country. Could be, I've been wondering for at least a week why there have been no killings.

We laugh at France. We're a lot better in the good old U.S.A. We are the land of opportunity for all. Anybody can get a gun, make a bomb, or join a gang and they'll write songs about you, make movies about you, and throw big parties for you in the best hotel ballrooms. We know how to keep the low life cocksuckers dreaming instead of rioting.

We are Europe West with just a little bit of self respect remaining. Stop laughing.

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