
Malkin shares my views on W's speech. At least a month late and twenty dollars short. What took him so long, she asks? I don't think the man is politically conscious, only Rove has political savvy so if Rove is out of the loop we have a floundering ex-governor of Texas who ain't ready for Prime Time on his own, and without an original idea in his head. He needs to speak every day. The old saying: "Turn the other cheek and I'll hit you with the other fist," applies here. The Democrats are lying but you have to keep pounding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Errrr why should gummint bail out GM?

I thought we lived in a capitalist society.

Perhaps if GM had spent more time producing cars which people actually wanted, as opposed to the same old crap year after year, then they wouldn't be in the current straits.

Year after year, they fell further and further behind the trends. Quick: when was the last time GM was FIRST to the market with a new idea?

Also, I fail to see how the idling of a jillion union workers is a bad thing, when the unions are largely responsible for GM's bloated cost- and wage structures. Some short-term problems, maybe: but in the longer term, anything which weakens the labor unions will be a good thing.

And it doesn't matter: someone will buy GM's small-medium car plants (I'm betting Toyota and/or Honda), and instead of Oldsmillacs we'll get Lexuses and Accords.

GM will be left with their truck division, which is the only thing they've ever been able to build properly (most of the time, anyway).

-- Gun Guy