
Proof that the GOP does have ideas.....BAD ONES. The Journal has an ed today about changing the laws regarding the "born in the USA---Citizen of the USA" that makes total sense. Any doubt you may have that the GOP is about to commit suicide should be settled by reading it. Like it or not, illegals are already here. The only way to avoid a "France" is to allow citizenship for their offspring. I don't like it, you may not like it, but if the Republicans get away with this, get ready for riots an insurrection.

Double Jeapordy in CA:
you may be chuckling about Robert Blake having to pay $30 mil because a civil jury decided to "convict" him after a jury declared him "not guilty." You will stop laughing when it might happen to you. How? Let's say you have a serious auto-accident. You are charged with reckless driving, a felony. You go to trial and a jury says you're not guilty----Not so fast Keemosabe---they'll get you in civil court in a different venue. This is dangerous stuff. Ask not for whom the Bell Tolls.......


Anonymous said...

... get ready for riots an insurrection.

Bring 'em on, Howie the closet Liberal. Kill 'em or deport 'em. It wouldn't be the first war Americans have fought with Mexico.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, illegals are already here. The only way to avoid a "France" is to allow citizenship for their offspring.

Why? Why is that so, Mr. Veit? Seriously.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com