

Iraqis have picked up on American country music and are twanging and picking all over the country. Calling it Towel and Tent music, local bands and local singers sing in Arabic with a country twang probably picked up from Armed Forces Radio. Below are the latest hits according to sources inside Iraq. Artists listed under song.

Sgt. Andrew McGhee of the 411th Engineer Combat Batallion says this is numero uno in his area.

If This is Where Civilization was Born How Come the Beer ain't Cold? -----
The Infidel Molesters of Basra

Lt. Shirley Andrews of the 2nd BN, 172nd Armor Rgt. stationed in an undisclosed "camel sewer" says she is hearing this one every time she is in town.

I Killed Tortured and Raped but Now the Good Times is Gone
----The Palace Dirt Band

Captain Art Marquis of the18th Airborne Corps Artillery stationed in "a different shithole every night," says this one is played everywhere and he's sick of it.... Heard it first in Falluja

If Mohammad had Seen you Naked Baby, He'd a written a Different book----B.J. binAri and the Bedouin Drifters.

Both Sgt. Danny Davis and Corporal Dennis Maldanado of 278th Armored Cavalry REGT report that this one is actually being played on base.

Hello Mullah. Hello Fatwa. Here I am in camp Chilaqua
------Ali bin Sherman (solo)

Anonymous from III Corps which does all the heavy lifting....

If Allah Didn't Want me to Get Loaded He'd Close the Bars at Noon
----The Prayer Rugs

Colonel Niel Wingnut of The 29th Infantry Brigade swears he first heard this one just outside of Abu Grahib prison.

Bending Over in Saddam's Prison was Better Than Standing Straight up for You
-------The Muslim Gay Men's Chorus

Staff Sgt. Gabe Elmendorf of the 155th Armored BDE currently cooling it in Qatar where plenty of Iraqis come down to peform, says this one is super big

Would Allah Wear a Rolex?
-----Mullah Devine and the Shiftless Peasants

Literally the entire Task Force Olympia (I must have a hundred emails) says that this one is sweeping the desert like wild fire....

Yore Camel Smells Better Than them Stories You bin Tellin'
The Burka Bitches

Three guys from 1st Cavalry Division who are seeking transportation "to Communist China if that's what it takes," heard this one as they were under a truck drinking beer.

If I'd a Shot Her When I met Her I'd be Outta Jail by Now
Big Saddam and the Tigress Studs

And lastly Lt. General McComb of The 42nd Infantry Division says that every jerk in his command who has a guitar is playing this one....

Your Cell Phone's Workin' Big Man Why Ain't You?

-----Mosque Sluts

1 comment:

Howard said...

I have a lot, and I mean a lot, of links from the Iraq part of the map. Hope the guys get a kick out of it,