
Why we sit on our asses while Iran threatens: put briefly, there is nothing we can do. It seems pretty clear that a majority---or at least a large minority---of Iranian citizens want the current government out so a question becomes, do we risk killing more of our friends than our enemies?

What about Israel? What about them? It is clear that IF Iran tries something with them both Israel and the US will attack and wipe Iran out, whether it results in killing friends or not.

I think our foreign policy right now is to hope that Europe will ease off their anti Semitic stance and recognize that Iran will not stop with the destruction of Israel "Today Israel, tomorrow all of Europe," is the operative phrase here.

Reality: when Iran gets the bomb all of Islam will be emboldened. Every Arab state will see a powerful ally in any crazy enterprise including terror against the U.S. An increasingly Islamist Turkey is the wild card.

Iran is the elephant in the living room. Will they have the balls to attack is the question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After collapse of soviet union united states became the biggest enemy of peace in the world the root cause goes to all problem lies within united states, America and israel are the worst enemy of peace, how illogical is American view jews states need bombs to safe guard themself, muslim nation does not, if it is necessary for zianost then it should be possed by iran also lets balance the power if united states is honest, not like its weak policies, one to armed and another to unarmed, now the times has come all the states would willing to have nucler capable, how many states would america going to stop, maybe to muslim nation, making fool to these Arab bastered sheikhs who are brainless, they think iran as their enemy, while their enemy are zionist & their allies whome they think their protector, i dont know why christianity is scared of islam, maybe you need to study about Islam to clear your junk, though jews have read quran and they know their consequences, thats why they are scared of islam and muslim, wel gods power is supreme & still you dint learned the lesson, you ahve disater imposed by allmighty allah katrina, and so many like it, their are so amny signs of God, to which extent u will lie it, iam not saying my fellow christ are bad they are controlled by zionist who have led them to killing in iraq the jews throw american to die in iraq, where is weapons of mass distruction lier, we know energy crisis within zionist states we are prepared and we know our real enemy, and alhumdulilah by the grace of allah wea re ready to meet the challenges fabricated by zionist,