
But seriously folks, Iran. VDH has a solid piece over at NRO and he covers all the bases together with the really bad choices we have, most of which wouldn't obtain if Bush had installed an energy policy as job one back in '02. Our consumption is outrageous. If both Iranian and Venezuelan oil were taken off the world market, fuhgedoubdit. Iran does not have to negotiate about anything, they hold four aces and only a straight flush can beat them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right about the energy policy. Unfortunately, any remotely possible energy strategy would face the shrieking wrath of the bed-wetting types, as it would necessarily include new refineries (NIMBY be damned), new drilling (aka ANWR exploitation), coal-fired generation, and, most importantly, nuclear energy on a massive scale to provide the energy necessary for a transition to hydrogen power. The "reality-based" community is not ready to accept any of the above, nevermind all of them. Yes, we will face an energy shock in the near future, but that should not blind us to the nature of Iran/Venezuela or lead us to accept appeasement/blackmail as an acceptable outcome.