
Notes on a Zig Zag Paper

Al Qaeda is giving benefits to members most details of which are at Austin Bay. The document outlines medical, loan, furniture , vacation, disability, and severance benefits (arms? legs? or life?).

The real bounty on killing the writers/artists who drew the cartoons is only $25,000. Mohammed Yousaf Qureshi, prayer leader at the historic Mohabat Khan mosque in the conservative northwestern city of Peshawar, announced the mosque and the Jamia Ashrafia religious school he leads would give a $25,000 reward and a car for killing the cartoonist who drew the prophet caricatures — considered blasphemous by Muslims. The one mil offered by an association of jewelers appears to be bogus. The good imam says it is a universal fatwa. Details at Front Page.

More Bush Administration tapping our phones while ignoring actual terrorist training on our soil. WND has a big article

Popular Mechanics scoops the MSM regarding the actual Katrina story. Watch that MSNBC jackass David Gregory have a snit because he didn't get the scoop while sitting on his butt at the White House. PM not only tells what went RIGHT as well as wrong, they have suggested real solutions, unlike those preening face time seeking congress representatives. As an aside here, I am very familiar with reverse osmossis water purification systems and as PM points out, they should be available at all locations.

Movie site worth bookmarking called "Movie Criticism for the Retarded" and I post one small sample of their reviewing writing:

"Brokeback Mountain is a movie about two pretty cowboys who get drunk on whiskey and then have violent buttsex without so much as five seconds of foreplay. The film then tells us that this is true love and spends the next two hours convincing us of that."
Need you know more? Well you do, as the full review will tell you. Good site and run by guys who love movies not their own clever writing skills.

Olympics: Spoiled rotten American athletes, both men and women, continue their pouting trash talking loutish behavior. Undisciplined and under achieving, the USA is producing nothing but a bunch of preening pretenders who don't work hard enough to win and aren't even focused enough to win. Boo hiss.

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