

The time has passed when western democracies believed in God, the Ten Commandments, or doing anything other than what is convenient. The European and American countries that tolerate and encourage art that depicts the Virgin Mary smeared with elephant dung complete with cut-out photos of female genitalia; or embraces the painting called "Piss Christ," which is a photograph of a crucifix submerged in urine; or paying homage "Yo Mama's Last Supper," which depicts Christ as a nude woman standing with her arms outstretched and 11 black men disciples sitting or standing on either side of her and one white man as Judas; societies that declare vicious attacks on a religious group as "art," has no ability to imagine what it is like to believe in God anymore, to revere both God and His laws is the stamp of stupidity.

Not only is anti-Christian "art" displayed, shown and performed, anyone who dares criticize it is harassed in the press and other media as Nazis, fascist, or "Extremist Christian." No one has the "right" to rise up in rage over these attacks on the religion of Christians. No one has the right to stop the dissemination of these putrid depictions. Anyone who tries to prevent the displays in tax supported public museums and theatres is bashed to death by the MSM. We are now an "enlightened" society, one that spits on Biblical utterings and any depiction of a Supreme Being in places other than churches. Religion has been declared as organized superstition, the opiate of the masses, a threat to our entire system should it take over.

That is the West these days. It should come as no big shock that these types of societies produce leaders who cannot imagine anyone actually "believing in that God shit" either. They think that people who do believe are stupid. Nobody who believes in God is wanted in government anymore. The New York Times will not darken their editorial pages with any respect for the religion of Christians; Hollywood cannot understand how millions of morons could pay to see "The Passion of the Christ," they cannot imagine a world where reverence to anything other than the next buck, piece of ass, or similar self indulgent act can exist. Every event can be logically explained and every group misfortunes explained away in Marxist terms of economic deprivation, not spiritual emptiness.

Given that the above examples of "socially relevant art" are to be respected, placed in museums so kids can see them too, and sent on tour at public expense so everyone in the country can marvel in them, it should come as no big shock that we have declared it also to be a "right" to depict anyone else's God in a disrespectful way. We now have the "right" to to ridicule the followers or believers in any God. After all, these blindly obedient flocks of jerk off God lovers are displaying their ignorance and stupidity if they object to the denigration of their beliefs. Anyone who objects to this series of intentional insults is subjected to what the Muslim world is being subjected to now.

We, and our leaders, have successfully put the Christian God in his proper place, one which is away from prying eyes, and kept Him there through insult and ridicule. We cannot begin to understand why the Arab world hasn't followed our example, why they revere their God. We simply cannot understand. Period.

The "Piss Allah" ain't playing very well in certain sections of the world.


Anonymous said...

I suppose they DO have a point this time, though they're abusing it shamelessly.

Anonymous said...

What point is that? Please explain.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com