

It's the Longshoreman's Union, stupid. If you didn't already get it, the racist attacks on the UAE port deal are sponsored in their entirety by the ILU which is contributing money to all who will vote against the UAE deal. It's the protectionist wing of the Democrat Party. The WSJ is as good as any place to catch up on this. Without a doubt it was the ILU that leaked to the mayor of Miami, the labor loving Dem governors, and to the press. This deal had no chance of passing without anyone knowing and it proves that the "genius" class, both left and right, has no clue.

Check out LGF who has a serious column opposing the Port Deal....


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

the protectionist wing ...

What's so bad about defending American jobs and the American economy?

Explain it to us, Mr. Wall Street Journal editorial writer.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

Sat Feb 25, 01:12:37 PM PST
Anonymous said...

I think it will be a good thing, lower wages for traders and clerks and therefore good for American customers, if commodities trading jobs are outsourced to India, don't you agree?

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

Sat Feb 25, 01:17:38 PM PST

Howard said...

Protective tarrifs have caused depressions each time they have been used. We sell a hell of a lot overseas. Check out Boeing whose overseas customers (80% of their business) will retaliate by buying the EU behemoth. Our machine tool industry would end because retaliatory tariffs would kill them. We ship at least half our cotton crop to foreign buyers etc. etc. etc.

You have to be on the short list for a brain transplant if you are thinking "protectionism" protects anything other than overpaid union workers....for a while.

Howard said...

As an add to the above, go HERE, to the Boeing blog and check out what's going on. Retaliatory tariffs will but half of Seattle out of work.

Anonymous said...

You have to be on the short list for a brain transplant if you are thinking "protectionism" protects anything other than overpaid union workers....for a while.

I repeat, we Americans need to start outsourcing financial services jobs such as commodities brokering, then see how much guys like Howard like free free free trade.

Howard, let me also repeat a point that Pat Buachana likes to make, which
is that during its rise to industrial greatness and well before the 1930's, America was protectionist.

Teddy Roosevelt proclaimed, "Thank God I am not a fre trade." The sainted A. Lincoln was also an industrial prtectionist. Free trade versus protectionism for emerging American industries was one of the other issues of the Civil War. The Old South wanted free trade. It was cheaper for the South to import manufactured goods from Europe than from the North.

The Nortern states at that time favored Japanese-style industrial protectionism. This protectionism helped American industries grow and prosper for many decades prior to the
Smoot Hawley era.

Furthermore, it is a matter of serious debate as to whether or not the Smoot Hawley Bill was an important cause of the Depression.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

Howard said...

Jesus Christ! You ARE on the short list for a brain transplant. Financial Services HAVE been outsourced by electronic 24/7 trading in every market. We were the first to be put on a 24/7, which meant we had to outsource to Brits, Japanese, and now China. Yes a lot of useless market makers, runners, and market fixers lost their jobs. So fucking what? They have been replaced by programmers, math wizards, and a network of firms executing trades off market. It also created three new exchanges employing around 5,000 people. Take your head out of your ass and open your eyes and vote Democratic.