

I just used the word "fuck" that proves I'm brave. Many of us are commenting on the spineless U.S. media behavior in the face of the supposedly "offensive" cartoons that they say they refuse to publish out of concern for the feelings of a minority group, when we all know that they fear offending our bi-coastal elites, elites who use the word "fuck" as proof of their liberated state and their courage. What our elites actually fear more than anything in the world is to lose clout. And money. In the current cartoon wars, contrast our blogosphere and MSM with Europe, and especially our favorite whipping boy France, whose absolutely "not free" press has found balls aplenty at last and is standing up for a principal called Free Speech, something our elite media --- especially including FOX News--- refuses to stand up for, preferring instead to be "responsible," sensitive to minority feelings, and completley safe.

Blogger group meeting with MSM (left) to discuss courage, freedom to sodomize your best friends, and other really important things before a morning group cop out on publishing cartoons.

The latest to point out the gutlessness of our media, but without publishing the cartoons, is City Journal.

Let me be clear here, only a few on the web have dared publish the cartoons either, preferring the safety of phony lofty criticism to the courage of actually informing their readers. That is because it might cost them money if their ISPs decided to pull the plug. Far too many "blogs" have morphed into groups of writers publishing under a single roof (Pajamas Media) trying to become a small tributary stream of media instead of just just one truly free--and lonely---voice. Whenever you combine forces with others, guts goes out the window first---assuming you actually had guts in the first place.

Using the word "fuck" is a coward's courage, and boy are we all brave.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Mr. Veit, consider this pensee from Instapundit:

February 11, 2006


CARTOON WARS UPDATE: Ian Schwartz has the video of my appearance on CNN, in which I'm rather critical of CNN's decision not to show the cartoons.

But where does the mighty Instapundit show the cartoons on his blog? Nowhere. Same for the rest of the Pajamas Media clique, as far as I can tell.

Howard, please chide Prof. Reynolds and the rest of the PJ Media girly men for not pasting the cartoons onto their Web sites.

-- david.davenport.1@newtzero.com