

Threats Watch TW lets us in on the phony (what?) reporting about the Iran nuclear story. Iran is still enriching at breakneck speed and the Russian deal was a phony from the get-go.

And MSM CBS, the slimiest of the MSM pond scum, has been caught deliberately slanting a so-called poll. And lots of other "mistakes" are being reported. CBS News is one more agitprop Dem outlet.

Finally some sanity is coming into the UAE posts deal, BUT the oh so Liberal Democrats are going to pay dearly for their attacks as much of the Arab world, and plenty of EU liberals, are calling the opposition to the deal racist. All tell us how many terrorists occupy Britain and nobody ever raised a stink about them; and all seem unaware of the huge financial clout of Dubai. For a short primer, GO HERE

“Could Dubai become the most important place on the planet?” was the, not insignificant, question that the article asked. “Dubai sits on the all-important strategic routeway of the modern world: China, India, Middle East, Europe and the US.
This is one stupid attack by our so-called leadership and nothing in the world will stop them from racism if it will get them elected and nobody knows how to race bait better than the Democrats who have a hundred years experience supporting the KKK. Kudlow, a hard Right guy, also piles on, calling the criticism "Islam o Phobic." However, later posts (below) rervealing the rampant anti-Semitic slant of the Dubai leadership mean the deal is dead.

Even More Finally: if this item on Little Green Footballs is correct (and is Charles Johnson ever wrong?) the port deal will die. It seems the entity that will control the terminals hates Jews, Israel, and bans all trade with them. The implied threat to shipping to and from Israel is too clear to ignore. Add: stick a fork in the deal. Debbie Schlussel is all over it like grease on lightning with two posts. Her last post is timed at 12:03PM PST. They flat won't allow anyone to associate with either Jews or Israel. Duh deal is dead as W's third term.