
Evolving blogs: no better example than Winds of Change which started out as a one man band and is now a small group blog commentary, and a dam good one. If you haven't visited in a while, check it out.

Sondrak has a new look worth checking out too.

And then there is No Pasaran which is becoming a total waste of time. They increasingly post in French and the "news" they display in English is old, boring, and irrelevant. I'll probably remove my link.


Anonymous said...

Are you stealing links from Instapundit?

Howard said...

It's not ME that is stealing from HIM.... If there was stealing. Sometimes huge egos think alike.

Anonymous said...

No Pasaran has led me to some great stuff. Yes, a lot of it's in French. A lot of information about France is only available in French. The latest example is the story about the gang of Muslim kids who attacked and threatened a bar in a Paris suburb (La Mer a Boire, in Belleville in the 20th arrondissement). They translate a lot of the stuff to English within a day or two. Hey, they're amateurs. They don't have the resources of the professional press who are engaged on systematically covering up whatever news doesn't make socialist multiculturalism look good. You don't have to go to a prep school or be some kind of pseud to speak and read French.