
Notes on a piece of toilet paper: several students at many high schools and colleges are being kicked out, suspended, tried by the thought police, and so on for giving a hand sign. No, it's not the ever popular middle finger, but the new and exciting "shocker." A complete description of the term and how to give it can be found HERE. Warning: it is only writing but you could get sent to the job evaluation bitches at work if one of them reads the page over your shoulder; but it is a must read, a shining example of hypocrisy, small town politics, bravery, and gutlessness.

The gesture, the province of minds quite filthy in nature, has taken on other, more explicit names: "Two in the pink and one in the stink"
Bad Jocks has an interesting picture series with cheerleaders giving the "shocker" if you are curious (they don't have links at Bad Jocks but the stories begin half way down the page).

And by the way
, supposed child molester, the ever sizzling Debra LaFave, is engaged.

Way to go, girl.

The ultimate Left smear of a Republican can be seen here, at Wonkette. The attack is on Katherine Harris of Florida. I have no idea if they have been photo shopped or not, but it is a smear.

Time Mag sees the GOP getting whacked and all I can say is nobody deserves a burial more. They were elected to end the corruption of pork, nepotism, and the lousy appointments of Clinton and the Dems but now they are worse than Clinton ever thought of being ("Stop the voting, my state needs a billion for a downtown waterfall."). They are crooks and incompetents and deserve every stay at home voter they get.

The hypocrisy of Ivy, and especially Yale, is revealed on the WSJ editorial pages. I don't think that Yale is going to get a pass on enrolling the Taliban hero. An Afghan woman who actually deserves to be at Yale but goes to a junior college instead speaks in part----
It's hard, but certainly better than Pakistan," she told me. "I am very grateful, but I must work 50 hours a week and also go to class. Sometimes, I am so tired I can't attend." She earns $8 an hour as a clerk in a local retail store. (OMG, she "works?" We can't have that at good old Yale)

I asked what she thought about Mr. Hashemi attending Yale with the help of a Wyoming foundation and a discount from Yale of 35% to 40% on tuition.
Read it and be prepared to get really pissed off. Then wonder if our so-called elite universities are above us all. And Taliban subsidizing Wyoming? Give me a break.

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