

Some real data refuting the "more troops on the ground" theory. Reynolds has it posted HERE and one would think the White House would have the same response....hahahahahohohoho. Bush isn't even a bad president, he is simply a guy adrift on a raft as the flood waters carry him along his sorry route. When they do the movie about this White House how about Reese Whitherspoon as Bush.....? Only because Benny Hill is dead.

There are more than 300 comments posted for this very sad yet inspiring post. Once again if this White House had a brain they would be all over it.

Duke: check out Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe. In it the DA arrests a white guy for a crime so he can have "The Great White Defendant," so he can tie up the Black vote before election. The DA won, railroaded an innocent guy who was convicted by all the ususal suspects before a trial ever took place. The non-criminal lost his wife, his mistress, and all his wealth; the book ends with everyone happy but the hero, who is left awaiting a trial that will certainly put him in the slammer for ten years. Will life imitate art in this case? Read the book, learn the ending of this sorry Duke "rape case."

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