
Concealed guns legislation is passing in lots and lots of states. All I can say as a two time mental hospital resident, you better not let me have one. And that's the problem I have with these laws. There is no way to see the insides of people carrying concealed weapons. I must admit that it appears assault and similar crimes against people are dropping in OK to carry states. BTW, since every gangbanger wannabe in LA carries weapons--concealed and otherwise---with impunity we might as well make it legal here too.


Anonymous said...

"...since every gangbanger wannabe in LA carries weapons--concealed and otherwise---with impunity we might as well make it legal here too."

IMO, that's the whole point. For every nut you'd have (legally) carrying concealed, you already have 50? 100? crooks carrying illegally. That's still many more crooks than nuts. I'd just as soon give the crooks something to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Florida has had CCW for 18 years. There have not been any significant incidents where a permit holder went nuts and started shooting people. In fact CCW permit holders get less traffic tickets than the general population. They are a law abiding bunch.


Anonymous said...


I perceive you to have a split perosnality. Sometimes it's right wing populist Howie -- the good Howie -- other times you're a conventional liberal.

What do I think? I think Amiercans should be allowed to carry firearms unconcealed, just as their ancestors did.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

Anonymous said...

IIRC, on the form 4473 there is a question regarding mental incapacitation. I think the wrong answer there makes buying that gun that you don't want to conceal difficult. Not that that would slow down any respectable gang banger, heh, heh.

Anonymous said...

Howie, I went to the that WSJ link re the crummy job the Repubs are doing.

Trouble is, the WSJ is serving up what hilariously WSJ-ish suggestions for Republican legislative priorities.

Endangerd Species Act reform, meaning relaxing protections for endangered species? Oh yeah, that's a sure fire vote getter.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com