
Duke: on full display for all of us to see is Black racism and paranoia (dare I say stupidity?) and the limp wristed cowardly white elite, which is pandering ---as usual--- to a loud mouthed, racist, and violent minority hoping to get a black vote that will never vote for a white person if they can help it.

Iraq is becoming a he said she said media show regarding almost everything about the "war."

Speaking of gutless Republicans, Ann Coulter did a TV interview blasting the party. If this keeps up the only Republicans left will be in a few churches who don't have TV, radio, or Newspapers. When you compare the words and deeds accomplished by the party after the '94 Republican landslide with the assholes who slink around D.C. piling up pork handouts, sacking the treasury, and stealing money you have to sit '06 out.

Iran: the gutless white liberals around the world will do nothing to stop them from having the bomb. They will have it and Muslims who have the will to use a bomb will rule the world. Of course this would never happen if we had an energy policy that cut down our need for foreign oil, a policy this jerk president (and their pork hungry party) has let slide for eight years.

An amplification of yesterday's post regarding the number of centrifuges necessary to produce a bomb in three years. Several experts on TV said a bank of 1,500 centrifuges could produce a bomb in three years IF source uranium ore is of high enough grade. Late add: NY Sun

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran intends to move toward large-scale uranium enrichment involving 54,000 centrifuges, the country's deputy nuclear chief said Wednesday, signaling its resolve to expand a program the international community has insisted it halt.
This is like the "Bush planning to a bomb Iran" reports. I don't believe it for a second.

The "New GM"
is just like the old and this just means selling off the 51% of GMAC for five skadillion bucks will only result in GM having more money to burn through before the end. The unions will let all the companies go broke before they give up any goodies, and that is problem one. Problem two is the public perception of a company that makes too many different models that look alike and don't work very well. I say perception because the reviews on the latest GM products are dam good and their quality has improved so that there is little difference between it and Toyota. Auto Extremist lays it out there.

And just in time for the gas crunch, the new 12 cylinder-198 mph gas guzzling Bentley convertible for all the rich pricks who don't give a fuck about $4 gasoline. Or even $10 gasoline.

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